Allie Norman

Allie Norman / Welcoming America's 15th Anniversary

The heart of Welcoming America's mission really resonates with me because I've personally witnessed how immigrants and refugees thrive when they're embraced and celebrated by their community. I am grateful to be part of an organization that connects, supports, and amplifies the amazing work being done by nonprofits and local governments around the country to support immigrant and refugee communities.

As we celebrate 15 years of the welcoming movement, please join me in building a more inclusive society where everyone not only belongs, but is celebrated and embraced!
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About Allie Norman

Allie Norman is the Development Manager at Welcoming America. In her role, she strengthens donor relations and grows revenue in support of Welcoming America’s mission, with a focus on corporate and individual giving opportunities.

Allie received her B.A. in Spanish with a minor in Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. It was in her first education policy course, that she realized her passion for immigrant and refugee advocacy in the education system and beyond. After graduating, she moved to San José, Costa Rica to take her first development role as the Companion Diocese Officer with the Episcopal Diocese of Costa Rica. Prior to joining Welcoming America, she served as the Annual Giving Manager at Charlotte Bilingual Preschool in Charlotte, NC.

Allie is a North Carolina native and is based out of Raleigh, NC. In her free time, she enjoys doing yoga, taking care of her plant collection, and trying new food.