Karan Dang

Karan Dang / Welcoming America's 15th Anniversary

As the son of a refugee from Burma to India during the military coup of the 1970s, and the grandson of a refugee displaced by the India-Pakistan partition after 1947, Welcoming America's mission resonates profoundly. I've witnessed the resilience of those forced to flee their homes and the transformative impact of being welcomed into new communities.

My father and grandfather's stories exemplify the power of inclusive societies embracing diversity and providing refuge. Their journeys instilled an appreciation for vital work fostering communities where all belong and thrive, regardless of background.

Now, as an immigrant myself relocating from India to the United States, I understand the challenges of starting anew. The empathy extended by welcoming communities enables newcomers to integrate, contribute, and build better futures.

I'm honored to be part of an organization recognizing immigrants' and refugees' immense societal value while actively connecting, supporting and amplifying nationwide efforts by nonprofits, governments and movements. By championing inclusive policies, promoting cultural understanding and celebrating our shared humanity, we create a world where everyone feels at home.

Witnessing my family's refugee experiences made me keenly aware that creating systemic societal change requires overcoming fear through courage, conviction and collaborative action. Welcoming America harnesses these catalysts, building resilient communities where all residents flourish by living their fullest lives. I'm proud to help drive this virtuous cycle of welcoming that ensures human dignity worldwide.

[Photo: Karan's family members after they were exiled from Burma]
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About Karan Dang

Karan Dang is the CEO & co-founder of DANG. Globally acclaimed for his creative leadership, Karan ushered iconic brands like Disney and Walmart into the modern era. Renowned for engaging digital-first storytelling that resonates with younger audiences, he was ranked #6 in the Cannes Lions Global Creativity Report 2017 and named to AdAge's 40 Under 40 list in 2021. Karan's award-winning campaigns, including Cannes Lions and AdAge's Campaign of the Year winners, have garnered over 100 international accolades. A champion of inclusivity, he spearheaded Disney's diversity task force, achieving over 50% female creative representation. Through DANG's Next-Gen Centricity™ approach, Karan and his team closely collaborate with C-suite leaders, delivering transformative creative solutions deeply rooted in cultural trends and the behaviors of future consumers.